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As American Thanksgiving comes near, we take the time to be so thankful for what God has done this year. It does not need to be stated that this was a year of shaking for the world, but as people of God, we have the privilege to CHOOSE thankfulness. Anyone can look at what seems bad and complain, but we who have our eyes opened should look and see everything we are able to thank God for. Vocalize that thanks today!! Looking back at this year, I am so thankful for having us here in Herzliya at the perfect time. I am thankful for providing every need, even when we could not see where it would come from. For providing an apartment, appliances, furnishings, and a vehicle. And God will finish this year strong!

Community and Young Adults and New Families

Our community in Herzliya is growing as we meet every week in a safe, open place. Over the past few months, we have had new local believers, newly arrived internationals, and students become a part of our congregations plugging in to community groups, being encouraged by the Word of God, and growing together with us. We’ve had new arrivals from almost every continent, and we are so happy to be growing in numbers and in unity this year. Daniela and I continue to lead our Young Adults group who are hungry for the Word. We have a solid group of young people meet every week at our house where we worship and discuss a book of the Bible. We just finished the book of Ecclesiastes and I was shocked at how powerful the message was! Meanwhile, we meet with the Young Adults throughout the week just to have game nights, baking parties, and this week, a Thanksgiving dinner! We are blessed to be entrusted with this group of world-changers!

Women’s tea & Christmas Outreach

Our congregation has planned several events for the end of the year. Last week, Daniela helped put on a Women’s Tea, where the ladies from our congregation met for worship, fellowship, and an encouraging word from one of the founders of King of Kings Ministries, Ann Hilsden. We are also planning another Christmas event in December. Last year, we were able to invite friends and people from the community to our congregation with caroling, hot chocolate, and a bonfire and actually give the good news message to those who had never heard it before! We are hoping to do a similar event this year while following the restrictions. Please pray that this will be an effective and creative way to lift up the name and message of Yeshua.

Learning Hebrew

At the end of 2019 God spoke to me to do two things specifically this year. One of those things was that Daniela and I were to start formally learning Hebrew. My own spiritual father, having a ministry to Asia and Asian Americans would say, “The language is the people,” and this is so true for Israel. To connect with the people, we MUST learn the language. So, Daniela and I enrolled in Hebrew classes for the fall and have begun our journey in learning the language of the land. Tuition does cost higher for non-citizens and is our greatest financial need right now, which God is already providing!

Our rent is paid every month graciously by our home church, Destiny World Outreach Center. All utilities, food, gas, and personal expenses come out of my personal secular salary, so at this time, any gifts that come to us are going directly to pay for these classes. Thank you all for your gifts so far that help continue and advance in this work here in reaching the people where they are.


I have started to share with our congregation once a month on a regular speaking schedule. If you want to hear as I share God’s Word, you can do so on and

Please pray with us:

  1. For safe travels home as we visit family in the USA in December-January
  2. Our outreach events, that they will be more than just a fun time, but impactful for the kingdom of God.
  3. Hebrew school – continued provision for the tuition, as well as God’s help in learning this language!

Thank you for being a part of what God is doing here in Herzliya, Israel. If you want to find out more or contribute financially, you can visit our GIVE page.

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