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Settling In

This past month has been a time of growth for us. On the practical side, we are starting from zero, having to purchase new furniture and household items, getting used to a new schedule and having Alon set in a new routine. Thank you for everyone who has donated to help us get set up here. It has meant the world to us. We have a few more pieces of furniture to purchase still, but God has been faithful to provide, and he has used you! As some of you know, Matthew is still able to work his secular job remotely in Israel which is a huge financial blessing as well.

We have been living in the parsonage of the congregation we are serving. We are sharing this living with the pastoral family, the Gepperts, who are graciously allowing us to stay with reduced rent –two families (they have two children about Alon’s age) under one roof. The Gepperts have been good friends of ours for years and we are enjoying community life with them. It is an adjustment at times, especially for the children, but we are truly thankful and blessed to be in this house with them. We pray that God blesses our hosts!


At the end of September, Matthew and Daniela were prayed for and installed before the congregation into ministry. Daniela has already taken the worship team at the congregation and is at work growing and building with this team. The musicians are talented, and their heart to grow is there as well. Most importantly, we have sensed that the congregation has a hunger to go deeper in the area of worship and moving with God’s Spirit. Matthew has begun taking over the children’s department at the congregation this past Saturday and meeting with parents and volunteers. He has also been involving himself with the Young Adults Community Group.

At-One-ment: In God’s Presence in the Jewish Holidays

This month is a month of 3 biblical holidays in Israel, known as Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew New Year, aka Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Succot (Feast of Tabernacles/Booths). At the time of writing, the Jewish population around the world is in preparation to search their hearts and turn to God for Atonement. During the temple age, this would be the one time of year where the high priest could go behind the veil before the face of God and find forgiveness for the sins of the nation through a sacrifice. We are praying at this time that God’s people would truly turn to the Lord, they would find atonement in the Messiah (as many already have), and the veil would be taken away once and for all. We all need God’s forgiveness and his presence; graciously this has already been provided in one sacrifice by the cross. That is the reality of what this holy day represents.

Please pray with us:

  1. That during these “high holy days” that the Messiah would truly be revealed in the hearts and scriptures of Jewish people.
  2. That the hunger for going deeper in God at King of Kings Herzliya would be met with a move of God’s Spirit.
  3. That God’s grace and direction be poured on us in this new season of ministry: that we know what to do, what to say, etc.
  4. That God continues the bless the avenues that have helped us financially: Destiny World Outreach Center, the Gepperts, Matthew’s job (JHS Sales and Service), and numerous other private donors and supporters.

Thank you all for your generous support and constant prayer! If you want to give towards this ministry, you can visit:

גמר חתימה טובה

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