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Restrictions Lifting

As of writing this newsletter, it is approximately one year since the pandemic hit Israel in full force. Now, a year later, it seems we may finally start seeing some light! Because of the restrictions in place, our congregation was not able to meet in our facility. We have been meeting in a public park in the open air, focusing on our home groups, one-on-one discipleship, and at times online-only meeting.

But now, after about a year, restrictions are rolled back so that we are once again able to meet and worship together in our facility! It’s exciting for everyone to be moving back towards “normal” in one sense, while remembering what God has taught us during this time:

  1. The church is not 4 walls and a time-slot once a week. We are living temples, being built by God, filled with his Holy Spirit.
  2. We are not a club. God will find a way to send his church out into the world to be the salt and light he intended us to be.

We see that it as a blessing that the infection rate in Israel is dropping rapidly and that we are able to meet again. All of our pastoral team at our congregation were able to receive the COVID vaccine and will hopefully be able to travel once again in the next few months.


Despite the restrictions of the pandemic and many students and diplomats having to leave the country, our congregation has continued to maintain growth. We have had new families and locals join us from all over the city and beyond. We have been working with another organization in Israel for a campaign to raise money for a van that can transport people to our facilities on days that there is not public transit. We have continued to maintain our online presence for international and those who are unable to join us in person.

Hebrew Lessons

Daniela and I are about to enter into our second semester of Ulpan, or Hebrew class. We have learned so much already and are ready to continue learning the language of the land. We have already connected with many Israelis, believers and unbelievers, and these connections are vital in revealing the love of God.

Leaning the language is a vital next step we must take in “being all things to all people.” Although these classes are expensive, we see it as a kingdom investment and very much worth the time and discipline.

Worship Album

Another exciting development is that Daniela and I have begun working with a music producer in the US to record a worship album with original songs. We are hoping to finish sometime this year and have the worship experience available on Apple Music and our website. Keep an eye out for updates!!!

Categories: Uncategorized


Mary Foley · March 23, 2021 at 10:42 pm

So proud of you all! Can’t wait to hear your music. May God continue to bless you all. 😍❤🙏

Cynthia w · March 24, 2021 at 4:01 am

Just want to say I have followed your ministry and I’ve seen your faithfulness and tenacity. Even when you were on lockdown y’all never stopped and never quit. Always serving God and the community with your best. May God continue to bless your ministry and your lives. I can see God has chosen the finest to serve Him. Bless you always.

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